Collaborative software design

Where every voice shapes the software

Hi, I’m Kenny Baas-Schwegler.

I believe in collaborative software design where ‘every voice shapes the software’. Leveraging a domain-driven design approach with Team Topologies, I facilitate clearer communication between stakeholders and software creators by collaborative modelling and deep democracy, decoding complexities, resolving conflicts and ensuring software remains agile to business demands.

 In my roles as an independent software consultant, tech lead, and software architect, I catalyse organisations and teams towards designing and building sustainable and resilient software architectures.



What can I do for you

As a sociotechnical systems thinker, I work closely with CTOs, managers, architects, and software teams to revolutionise the way we design and develop software. The goal is to foster a collaborative software design approach and ensure that stakeholders and development teams co-create solutions that perfectly address both customer and business needs.

How I do this

I can engage with your organisation in various capacities: from long-term partnerships to shorter, impactful sessions like workshops, consultancy, coaching, and targeted training.


I can consult your organisation in several ways, from enabling software architecture capabilities in your organisation, redesigning your legacy system landscape, assessing your software architecture to helping you redesign your IT organisation.



I provide standard or customised training and learning journeys in collaborative software design, Domain-Driven Design, Team Topologies, technical leadership, and software architecture.



I am a regular speaker at international conferences. You can book me to do talks or do short 2 to 3 hours hands-on workshops for your organisation or conference.


book collaborative software design by Kenny Baas-Schwegler



Software Design

How to facilitate domain modeling decisions

Enable software teams to collaborate with their stakeholders, to understand their needs, and to allow this understanding to shape their software architecture.

More books

in collaboration


Visual Collaboration Tools is a book for teams building software. It describes tools that help us in our daily job, and also present field stories from different practitioners.

For a business to thrive, it needs a modern software architecture that is aligned with its corporate architecture.

Fifteen years after the publication of “Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software” by Eric Evans, DDD is gaining more adoption than ever. 

More books

in collaboration


Visual Collaboration Tools is a book for teams building software. It describes tools that help us in our daily job, and also present field stories from different practitioners.

Fifteen years after the publication of “Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software” by Eric Evans, DDD is gaining more adoption than ever. 

Join my next workshop

Strategic Domain-Driven Design: Analysis, Architecture, and Modelling








My most recent talks

Book me
for a talk

Or short hands-on workshop

You can book me to do talks or do short hands-on workshops for your organization or conference.


WeaveIT talks

Latest blogposts

Companies I collaborate with
